Rimon Kosher Market is a A Kosher store offering local and imported products, a Kosher butcher department, Kosher poultry department, Kosher bakery department, Kosher fish, a selection of wine, and a Kosher kitchen providing high-end catering services for families and events such as Brit Milahs, Bar Mitzvahs, and weddings across the island. 

Rimon Restaurant – Within Rimon Market, we also have a kosher restaurant offering a wide variety of delicious meat and dairy dishes. Guests can choose to dine in our beautiful outdoor garden or indoors in a comfortable, air-conditioned space, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable dining experience.


You can reach out to us at:

(829) - 906 - 2649 (also available on Whatsapp)


or come to our location:

Calle 2b #10, Ensanche Paraiso, Santo Domingo, Dominican Repulic


our hours:

Sunday-  Closed 

   Mondays through Thursdays-  10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

 Friday-  10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 

 Saturday-  Closed